8 Keys Professional Marketing on Twitter

It is a reality that microblogging has been incorporated into our habits and customs. Beyond the interaction from the platform, we mean that capacity that we have developed to interact efficiently through simple, direct, specific messages and impact … only 140 characters!

Twitter = real time

Information is happening in real time and it allows active listening exercise “simmered” to go forming links you professionally and personally, they do not differ.

Marketing departments of companies know how effective the professional marketing on Twitter and is becoming more prevalent, set Twitter as the platform customer (internal and external) and the medium through which the company communicates with its customers.

8 Keys Professional Marketing on TwitterParadoxically, the microblogging social network is still an unsolved mystery for many companies, what are the keys to success with a professional marketing campaign on Twitter?

140 characters to expose. A great challenge!

It seems obvious that brands, personal and business, who want to achieve the enormous challenge unleash an emotion with only 140 characters, they must be “genuine”. We must stop talking about advertising and marketing strategies to focus on the pursuit of linkages.

Quality is the key

Twitter content feeds better, the more viral. It is therefore essential that the common goal of business is feed Twitter. Sharing is the way to build on Twitter

Face obstacles, like life itself!

The efficient management of crises in Twitter is another step in the consolidation of our brand. Is it not true that obstacles, when properly confronted, transform weakness into strength?

Listen, links born of knowledge

Listen to another has become imperative for success of any marketing strategy Twitter. Of course, how we will establish links that allow us to meet the needs, if we do not know. Listen active, essential key professional marketing on Twitter.

If there is nothing to say, take advantage couple listening

The amount in Twitter is increasingly required, but always born from quality. continuously promote content that does not involve an added value, eventually bore our followers.

It interacts with people, not collections followers

The keys to success in Twitter aim to achieve social influence. The key to build a brand on Twitter, is to achieve the natural growth inherent to the shared quality. Collect followers not a variable measuring the influence.

Communities and their guides

A professional marketing campaign on Twitter’s main objective is to increase visibility, thereby achieving increased traffic and increased social recognition, it is indispensable that all actions are carried out by a Community Manager.

Only one Community Manager “flagship” brand, will be able to promote dialogue in order to learn more emotions of his followers.

Experts and humble

There is no doubt that the presence of Twitter is a total exposure.Paradoxically it is required that the exalted values interact in equilibrium with the knowledge and lifelong learning, resulting in “experts”, but also requires us to be humble and let the ego aside.

On Twitter, if we seek success with a professional marketing strategy designed to make our brand a benchmark in the market, it is imperative to know apologize and deliver effective (and ideally, immediate) solutions

It integrated into the “real time” of Twitter, is only possible with honesty and transparency. An error in the way it is managed, could be fatal to our reputation.

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