What does a PAT tester look for?

PAT testing is required by law for a very good reason – it can find a wide array of electrical faults which can cause dangerous problems later down the line if they are not amended. For this reason, all companies are required to  have electrical equipment PAT tested, but you must use a reputable company to do this – a facilities management company Bristol based Chew Valley construction https://www.chewvalleyconstruction.co.uk/services/ppm-and-facilities-management-companies-bristol/ have a qualified team who can help you with this. Here are just some of the problems that can be resolved by PAT testing…

Plugs that have been wired dangerously – These can be seen by a professional and have the coloured wires hanging out of them. These can then become loose and small bits can get into the plug itself causing a hazard.

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Leads that have been repaired – Many people tape up power leads that have frayed and expose the wires. This is not actually a resolution and can pose a serious hazard. These leads should be disposed of and replaced.

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Fuses that blow often – These usually have an underlying issue – a PAT tester will be able to find this as it is usually caused by loose wiring – other signs are scorch marks on plug sockets or on the plugs themselves.

Sockets which have been overloaded – Adapters and sockets with too many appliances plugged into them is extremely dangerous and can lead to them over heating and potentially starting a fire.

Cables which are in dangerous locations – Cables that are in hazardous places can either cause a trip hazard such as running under rugs, or a fire hazard if they are too near to water or heat such as ovens.

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