Adequate hydration, key to weight control

Being well hydrated is synonymous with a healthy and functional body, in fact, when we present some degree of dehydration, our physical and mental performance declines and we can experience physical discomfort. However, proper hydration may also be key to weight management.

Hydration level and body weight

A recent study published in the Annals of Family Medicine conducted with a large American sample between 18 and 64 years of age found a significant association between poor and high BMI hydration as well as between inadequate hydration and obesity.

Adequate hydration, key to weight controlThe results supported the link between insufficient hydration and greater body weight even after considering confounding factors, therefore, it is concluded that adequate hydration deserves more attention when controlling body weight.

Previous research has confirmed that drinking more water helps to lose weight when you are on weight loss plan, and also a review of different studies published in Nutrients notes that intake of more than 500 ml of water can increase metabolism as well as oxidation of Fats.

Likewise, it has been proven that drinking 500 ml of water before meals helps to lose weight, perhaps because it reduces food intake by causing bloating and removing the possible thirst that is often mistaken for hunger.

On the other hand, the intake of cold water generates a greater caloric expenditure in our organism because it must adapt its temperature to that of our body.

These could be some of the reasons why good hydration is associated with better weight control , although we should also consider that at higher body weight more water is needed and therefore, overweight people in the study had poor hydration Reach recommended fluid intake.

On the other hand, poor hydration can generate fluid retention and that translates into a greater body weight that is reversed before the cessation of retention.

In short, there are many reasons that can link the adequate intake of water or a correct hydration with a lower body weight or, conversely, insufficient hydration with greater weight. For this reason, and for many reasons, it is key to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables, choose water as a habitual drink and attend the signals of our body to achieve an adequate hydration that benefits our organism.

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