Fictional Schools We Wish We Could Attend
We spend many years at school, mostly during our formative years so it’s no surprise that these experiences have inspired so many writers and TV producers to set stories around fictional schools. Whether magical or downright delinquent – these schools have become part of our popular culture. Here are some schools that you might wish you had attended:
Who wouldn’t have wanted to go to Hogwarts? Every child and grown-up who has watched Harry Potter or read the books has day-dreamed about magical moving staircases, playing quidditch and casting spells. Imagine how exciting it would be to attend potions or transfiguration classes instead of doing algebra? Imagine the exciting prospectus this school would have! For more information on School Prospectus Design, go to
Horace Green Preparatory School
Music lessons have never looked so awesome as they do at this school. Jack Black as a rocking music teacher, teaching you Led Zeppelin and how to be cool – why couldn’t our music lessons be a little more like that? Learning how to pass exams and win Battle of the Bands sounds like a recipe for life success.
Perhaps this school was a little rough around the edges but there was never a dull moment. It’s been 40 years since the school first opened its doors and didn’t it make an impression! It was 1978 and TV schools had previously all been a bit ‘Enid Blyton’. Phil Redmond flipped that on its head and allowed us to enter the world of a North London comprehensive – for better or worse. The show tackled bullying, racism and sex education for the first time.