Category: Health


How does food affect mental health?

Understanding the relationship between diet and mental health is vital for improving our overall well-being. What we eat not only fuels our bodies but also significantly affects our mental state.


Who is responsible for first aid at work?

First aid is given to casualties before qualified medical assistance arrives. There need to be trained people in the workplace who can give colleagues basic aid. Evaluating First Aid Needs UNISON states that legally,...


Do Your Employees Need to Know Emergency First Aid?

If you are the employer of any type of business or workplace, it is important to have your staff trained in emergency first aid. This is especially true if you have workers who may...


Helping Someone who Has a Mental Illness

There are lots of people who suffer from mental illness, and at some point, in life it happens to most people. There is a lot more understanding of mental illness nowadays – long gone...


How to Provide for Gluten Free Customers

To serve gluten free customers, you should make sure your entire restaurant offers many options. While you should be able to cater to all types of food allergies, making the menu fully accessible for...


How would you react in an emergency?

Do you honestly think that in an emergency, you would whip out your cape and tights and dash in like some kind of superhero? Or perhaps you worry that, through a lack of confidence...


Benefits of a good massage

A good massage can be incredibly restful and it can help to reduce the tension and stress that you carry in your body. There are a number of different types of massage and a...


What Do We Need For Optimum Health?

What do we need for optimal health? For most people the answer to that question would be a healthy mind and body, a strong immune system, a long life, wealth, etc. However, in order...


What is the Importance of Personalised Care?

There are many ways that patients can be treated and to this end the importance of personalised care should not be underestimated. The impact that a simple change to a patient’s diet or lifestyle...