An Introduction to Medication Management

It can be difficult to know how best to manage the safe handling of medication, which is why good medication management practices are so important. With that in mind, let’s look at some good tips on how to manage any prescription medicines you might take.

Why is safe handling of medication so important?

Firstly, if you don’t have a system for managing your medication, you can easily forget to take it.

Pill fatigue kicks in when you feel overwhelmed with your daily medication schedule and this causes some people to forget to take their pills, leading to a reduced quality of life. Research shows that around half of all people on medications eventually get pill fatigue.

How Medication Management Helps

When you have a system in place, it takes away the time and the hassle of remembering to take and organise pills throughout the day. This greatly increases adherence.

Tips for Getting Better at Medication Management

Some of these tips will help you get better at safe handling of medication:

  1. Invest in Training

Specialised courses, such as those found at, can teach you the tricks of effective medication management. These are suitable for both patients and caregivers.

  1. Arrange a Medication Review Session

A medication review session is designed to review every prescribed medication you have been given and check the dosage and prescribed time to take them. This ensures there are no contraindications.

  1. Use a Pill Organiser

These handy containers allow you to keep your medication together in one place. They are ideal for getting organised as you can fill them up at the start of each week and save a job each day.

  1. Keep a Pill List

A pill list will allow you to remember exactly what you take and the details of each medication. These are very useful for occasions when you need to provide details of your current medication to a caregiver or medical professional.

These tips will help you to get the most from efficient and safe handling of medication practices, for the best possible quality of life.

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