The Importance of Floor Cleaning

Don’t let your floor become an overlooked and neglected area of your business. First impressions count and if you regularly welcome customers or clients into your premises, you’ll want to make sure everything is spick and span to make a good impression. There are also safety reasons for ensuring your floor is clean.

Most of the slip accidents in the workplace occur when floors have been contaminated with spillages or damp conditions are left undealt with. The right cleaning methods should ensure that any spills are effectively removed, and the risk of slipping is greatly reduced. Choosing the incorrect cleaning method can be almost as damaging, as you could be contributing to the accumulation of any contamination, making the floor even more slippery. The best solution is to find a reputable cleaning company to do the job for you. For Leicester commercial cleaning, visit

When using a wet cleaning method, be aware that this can leave the floor slippery during and straight after the cleaning. Wet mopping is the most common method for cleaning floors and is most effective on a smooth flooring type. A smooth floor will, however, remain slippery or some time until it’s completely dried. Even a slightly damp and well-wrung mop will not leave the floor is a dry state. Finishing off with a completely dry mop will help to speed up drying times.

Always aim to keep staff and visitors off a wet floor by:

Cleaning during out of work hours

Installing a physical barrier to prevent access

Clean the area in sections, leaving a dry pathway through

Place a caution sign on the wet area

Other cleaning methods include using a squeegee to get rid of excess water, but again will not leave the floor dry. If the floor remains dirty, a squeegee can also spread any contamination over the area so is not the most effective flooring cleaning method.

Contamination on the floor that is dry, such as flour or dust, can be removed initially by using a vacuum cleaner. Dry sweeping is an option but be aware of the fact that it will lift a lot of dust into the air. This can have a negative effect on anyone suffering from allergies or asthma. Using a wet vacuum is another method for removing spills and water from floors and leaving them dry.

Spills in the workplace

It is helpful to have a system in place for dealing with occasional spills in the workplace, aside from your normal cleaning routine.

Every staff member should know how to react and wat to do when they come across a spill. The procedure you have in place should be appropriate to the type of contaminant and the type of flooring material.

When deciding on cleaning regime, it’s important to:

Identify the type of flooring you have as different materials often need cleaning in different ways

Choose an effective cleaning method for that flooring. Advice can be sought from the flooring manufacturer or cleaning equipment suppliers.

Choosing a time for cleaning, such as outside of work hours, for example

Remember that a cleaning regime is only as effective as the people who partake in it and the equipment, they have available. Therefore, it’s important to:

Provide access to the right equipment

Give the right training to staff

Communicate with staff so they understand what is being asked of them and why

Supervise regularly to check that the right methods and the right tools are being used


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