Humanity and Groundwater

Water is essential for life and the groundwater supply is a vital water source for humanity. Around the world, 2.5 billion people rely solely on underground water resources to meet their daily basic needs.

By 2100, the Earth population is projected to grow from 8 billion people in 2020 to 11 billion. The human race will need to find a way to grow enough food while not destroying soil, water or climate. It has been described as the biggest challenge that humanity has ever faced. The solution lies in sustainable management of groundwater. Understanding and managing groundwater properly is crucial, as groundwater has the potential to alleviate problems if used responsibly. When it becomes contaminated, it’s essential that remediation techniques are applied immediately. For information on Groundwater Remediation, visit a site like //

The Earth and Groundwater

Groundwater is 99% freshwater on Earth and it plays a vital role in water cycles. Groundwater is visible in rivers, lakes, and wetlands. They exchange flow with groundwater to get water when needed and take some when there’s too much.

The groundwater is also responsible for many of the features that are visible on Earth. Water table depth is responsible for the different species of plants that occupy different slopes, from hills to valleys. Only drought-tolerant plants are able to live in dry areas and water-tolerant plants near rivers. Sinkholes and caves are created by the dissolution of rock carbonate caused by groundwater. Groundwater drainage in deserts creates oases that provide habitats to animals and plants.

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