How to Balance Web Functionality and Design
Balancing web function and design can be tricky. A website that functions well but is boring to look at will not keep visitors on the site. But a stunning-looking website that functions poorly will also not be popular. It is therefore vital to balance the two to optimise its performance.
Function First
It is most important that your website functions well, so prioritise functions such as easy navigation and fast loading times. You can then find eye-catching design elements that work with your well-functioning website. If you are just starting out, perhaps with a Shopify store, a good website is necessary but designing them is a skilled process. So to get the best results for your Shopify web design, consider using professionals such as
Keep It Simple
Nobody wants to come to a website and struggle to understand it. While you want the design to stand out, do not let it detract from the ease of navigation. A good website should be intuitive. Check what fonts you are using. There are so many to choose from that it should be possible to find one that looks striking but is still clear and easy to read.
Mobile Devices
Increasing amounts of website activity are now being performed on a mobile device. This means that how your webpage appears on a mobile screen should not be an after-thought but one of your primary considerations. This means that graphics do not appear squashed and that text is still easy to read, with none cut off. Make sure links and buttons are large enough to be tapped with a thumb.
Clear Calls to Action
The call to action is one of the most important features of your website, so ask yourself what you want each page to achieve. Maybe it is to make a purchase, sign up to a newsletter or book an appointment, but whatever it is do not hide them in the design. Instead, use eye-catching buttons in logical places and make language direct, such as ‘buy now’ or ‘sign up today’ to keep a customer’s attention.