5 more ways to make a dark room brighter

The number of hours of daylight we have in winter is already limited; however, if your home or office lacks sources of natural light, it could feel like you are quite literally back in the dark ages. You can find yourself having the opposite problem of those companies that have to use Brise Soleil from companies such as alusystems.uk/brise-soleil-solar-shading/ to ensure that the sunlight does not stream through the windows during the height of summer.

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The dark winter months can affect more than your light levels in your home and office environments. Not only does this make our homes look dingy and uninviting but also, according to a study published in the US National Library of Medicine, a lack of residential light can lead to a risk in falls and even mental health issues such depression.

With this in mind, here are some cheap and simple ways to increase natural light in your home or office that often involves nothing more than being mindful of your decor and the positioning of your furniture.

Be mindful of artwork

Think twice before hanging large paintings or posters or noticeboards in darker rooms. They have a habit of absorbing natural sunlight rather than reflecting it as a bare, light-coloured wall would. This does not mean you have to completely remove all artwork from your home or notices from your office; instead, save it for larger, brighter rooms or walls that receive more light during the day.

Position shelving carefully

Similarly, consider the positioning of any bookshelves or units in a room. Place them parallel to a window and you run the risk of them obstructing the light source; instead, place them in a perpendicular position and allow the light to flow through freely.

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Keep colour schemes light

Light, white and neutral walls are a sure-fire way to brighten up a room. While dark colour schemes will feel small and closed in, a light wall will allow light to reflect and bounce around the room. You can also achieve this effect by painting the ceilings a lighter shade.

Windows and curtains

As windows are generally your major light source in a room, it is important to keep them – and their surroundings – in tip-top condition. It is recommended to  keep double glazed windows clean and free of dust and dirt to allow successful light flow and also ditching heavy, dark drapes for translucent blinds or sheer curtains can also enable the light to bounce around a room.

Shiny surfaces

While too much gloss in a room can create glare, a few reflective surfaces can encourage light reflection. Think metallic ornaments or glass-topped furniture to give that extra glimmer of light in a small or dimly-lit room.


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