Do you have a rabbit problem?

Rabbits may seem like cute little nibblers but that does not mean they can’t do some serious damage. Rabbits will eat the new plant growth that appears in the spring. During the summer, they will eat broadleaf weeds, clover, grass, leaves, buds, roots, berries, fruits, vegetables. In winter, rabbits will eat the bark of trees and shrubs, buds, twigs, sticks blackberry and raspberry bushes. Although they can be a pest, you can get rid of rabbits from your garden.

How to recognize the signs of rabbits in your garden

Rabbits have a large number of natural predators and they may be difficult to spot. However, it is not unusual to see rabbits in during the day if they are in a non-threatening environment and some gardens are just overrun with rabbits. As well as observing plant damage, you might spot droppings. These are about the same shape and size as peas. They might be scattered or in small piles.

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How to recognize plant damage

Closely observe stems and leaves that have been left. Often rabbits will gnaw plants to the ground. Due to the sharp front teeth of a rabbit, the remaining leaves will have a clean-cut appearance as if they were cut with a pair of scissors.

Recognising rabbit damage to trees and shrubs

During winter, when there is no new growth, the rabbit is more likely to chew on tree branches and bushes. The bark of young trees is very susceptible to rabbit damage. Rabbits can eat bark on a tree from the ground up to around 20 “. Twig and shrub damage from rabbits will look like clean cuts at an angle of 45 degrees.

What you can do to control rabbits

There are many methods, suggestions and home remedies available for rabbit control and getting rid of them from your garden. The preferred method depends on your lifestyle and personal preferences. Contact Essex Pest Control at a site like St Georges for help with all Essex Pest Control.

Make your garden less inviting for rabbits

Rabbits will only stay in an area that provides cover from predators. This means they will live in the low-growing shrubs, in the brush pile and in the tall grass and under porches, sheds and other structures. Clean up piles of brush, mow tall grass and continue to block access under structures. You can also introduce plants into your garden that rabbits don’t like to eat.

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Adding a barrier fence to protect plants

Adding a collar around the trunks of young trees to prevent rabbit damage is a good idea, as well as adding a fence around a vegetable garden. Fences should be anywhere 2-3 feet above the ground and buried to a depth of six inches below the ground. Fencing needs to be strong and regularly checked for damage and quite expensive. In addition, a fence is not always an option for aesthetic reasons.

Traps and relocation

Check with the local regulations on trapping guidelines for your area. Traps can be time consuming and expensive.

Keep a dog in your yard.

Having a dog in your back garden can be a real deterrent for keeping rabbits away. However, getting a dog with all the associated costs and upkeep might seem like a lot of effort to get rid of the rabbits from your garden.

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