Four ways to boost a small business with great web design

When you’re running a small business, your website isn’t going to be as comprehensive as that of a much larger concern, but that doesn’t mean that you should throw away the web design rule book.

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There are certain principles that are relevant no matter how large or small your site is. Here we show you four of the most important rules that you need to adhere to if you want to ensure your online business is successful.

1. Responsive web design

If your site doesn’t display equally well across mobile devices as it does on desktops and laptops, you’re in danger of alienating your prospective customers before they have a chance to properly view your products or services. According to an article in Forbes, it’s not just your site visitors who benefit; you’ll be rewarded by the search engines with higher rankings than those who don’t choose a responsive website design.

2. Excellent navigation

Your visitors need to be able to find the information or products that they’re looking for quickly and easily, so a carefully planned website structure, coupled with great intuitive navigation, is an absolute must. This doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Just take a look at this Swindon Web Design company Offering Swindon Web design services go to, which offers a range of affordable solutions for even the smallest of online concerns.

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3. Good choice of colours

Your colour palette says more about your business than you could hope to translate into words, so choose your website colours with great care. Your website needs to be attractive, clear and uncluttered, and your choice of colours will help to engage and inform your site visitors about the sort of experience they can expect when they make a purchase or use your services. Your web designer can help you to make the most informed choice for your business model.

4. Visual appeal

There’s more to an appealing website than your choice of colours. Your entire site should add value to the visitor’s experience, so use photographs and videos to enhance your message and aim to give your website visitors a seamless and intuitive experience while they are on your website. Remember that an attractively laid-out site will make visitors want to return.

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