Category: Health

Training with TRX, why does it work so well? 0

Training with TRX, why does it work so well?

The suspension training bodyweight own aims to develop the strength, the balance, the flexibilityand stability of the core (core) at the same time. This training requires the use of the TRX, a highly portable tool that takes advantage of the gravity and body weight of the subject to...

Choose a hydration pack: Seven key points to consider 0

Choose a hydration pack: Seven key points to consider

If you go running in summer you will know the importance of staying well hydrated before, after and, above all, during your training. If you also like to run around the mountain making long routes in which...

Medical tests for athletes: These are the most frequent 0

Medical tests for athletes: These are the most frequent

Both to prepare for a sport activity of certain intensity to treat and recover from injuries and problems arising from exercise, there are various tests and explorations that are quite common. Let’s review some of the most frequent medical tests for athletes. We...

Free bench press vs machine bench press 0

Free bench press vs machine bench press

The bench press is one of the most used exercises for upper train training, mainly involving the pectoralis major and the triceps, followed by the anterior deltoid. In turn, the middle deltoid also acts as a stabilizing muscle ....

Salmonellosis: Why the risk of poisoning increases in summer 0

Salmonellosis: Why the risk of poisoning increases in summer

The salmonellosis is one of the most food poisoning related to the summer months, which makes us look askance at those Russian salads languishing for hours in the bars of the bars. Its appearance is related to the hygiene...